Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Weekend class at the Power House

First two colors printed
The final print - four colors
There were only four students in this class. Kathy, on the right came from the Cleveland, Ohio area and stayed at the Inn.Click on the photos to see them larger.
We worked on reduction screen printing, which is also called the suicide method - because you can never go back. It is a difficult concept, but the only way to make a print with just one screen, using the drawing fluid and screen filler method. I had tried to explain the process on previous blogs. Everything that is to be any color in the print has to be included in the first stencil printed with the screen. Then by layering colors over the first color, wherever the stencil is open, the print can be completed. Good registration is so important and she did a great job. In the photo on the left only two colors have been printed, on the right two more colors have been printed on the darker gray and a soft dark red in just two spots, over the blue - a Santa hat and a Solo cup.

Friday, October 19, 2012

My Class on Oct. 27 & 28 at the Power House

Here is a link for my class, I am looking forward to being on the campus for two days and teaching screen printing. I will have some ideas along for prints at the Power House, but hopefully my students will come with an idea of what they want to do.
We will be making a small edition of prints (12) in this class.We will be using a reduction technique in which the printed area gets smaller for each color that is printed. The unprinted paper can be one of the colors. The print paper will be 9” x 12” and the image should be no larger than 7” x 10”. You could use a copier to size an image. I will have some suitable designs at the class; but it is better to print something you have a feeling for. You can work from your own sketch, photograph or a composite of pasted up images. The finished print will be the same size as whatever you are working from. From now on I will refer to this as the working drawing. If you use a photograph, get a good photocopy of it enlarged to the size of your finished print and keep the original handy to refer to. You can use a copier to enlarge or reduce whatever images you want to use. Plan to have at least a one inch margin around your print. I have  a photo of a reduction print below.
It was printed with light blue, dark purple, black and iridescent blue.  You could plan to print about 4 colors ( + or -). I’m looking forward to our class. http://roycroftprintmaker.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-first-step.html. This link to my screen printing blog will give you some idea of how this works. “Another try at a reduction print” – start with “The fourth and Final Color” and the blog will take you through the process.
E's Trees - sketch through 4th color

Here is a link to a site that shows a different reduction method. She paints on the screen filler directly on the screen instead of using drawing fluid and filler as I do.   http://ilovesmesomeart.livejournal.com/610.html
We could try doing that too.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Roycroft Conference

You are invited to come to western NY and the Roycroft Campus for an intellectually and aesthetically stimulating weekend, just as it was in Elbert Hubbard's time.You are invited to come to western NY and the Roycroft Campus for an intellectually and aesthetically stimulating weekend, just as it was in Elbert Hubbard’s time. A wine tasting evening, artisan demonstrations, Campus architectural tours, a delicious organic dinner, and lectures spanning topics from Rosicrucianism to Dard Hunter’s graphic designs and restoration of the Roycroft Inn murals are set in the quaint Village of East Aurora while the fall foliage colors are at their finest. 
 The conference schedule and registration form are on the Roycroft Campus Corporation website. 
I am not going to participate in the conference because I have a two day class scheduled for the following weekend and I'm not up to two weekends in a row.
by Laura Wilder

However, the tiles that I printed will be there and my friend, Laura Wilder will be having an exhibit in the Power House and giving a talk about her block printing experience. Block printing is similar to screen printing as the prints are built up in layers.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tiles have been printed

 Printed tiles at the Power House
The tiles have been printed - because they are so heavy, I printed them right at at the Power House on the Roycroft Campus. I didn't want to haul them home, down and up my basement stairs and cart them back to the campus. The three designs were printed with black acrylic ink onto the terra cotta tiles. They will be available at the Roycroft Conference, October 18-21.

After I made the photographic screens, I screwed some wood strips to the backs in one corner for registration. I had to clamp each screen to the tile before I printed them - the tiles are not really flat and I had to pull the squeegee in two directions to get the image printed. I did this right after I made a presentation to a Roads Scholar group, telling them about
screen printing. I demonstrated by printing the last color on a multicolored print using two screens.